Installing fcfserver under Windows Required packages for installation
  • Visual Studio (Official build uses Visual Studio 19)
  • CMake
Preparing the environment Installing boost
  • Download from the official boost website The version must be at least 1.73
  • Unpack the archive with the sources to the [PROJECTS_DIRECTORY] projects folder and go to the boost_[VERSION] directory
  • Initialize the boost environment for the build $ ./bootstrap.bat
  • Build boost For x86: $ b2.exe install --with-date_time --with-thread --with-filesystem toolset=msvc runtime-link=static link=static --includedir=[PROJECTS_DIRECTORY]\boost\include --prefix=[PROJECTS_DIRECTORY]\boost cxxflags="/std:c++latest" address-model=32 threading=multi linkflags=/machine:x86 For x64: $ b2.exe install --with-date_time --with-thread --with-filesystem toolset=msvc runtime-link=static link=static --includedir=[PROJECTS_DIRECTORY]\boost\include --prefix=[PROJECTS_DIRECTORY]\boost cxxflags="/std:c++latest" address-model=64 threading=multi linkflags=/machine:x64
  • Move the [PROJECTS_DIRECTORY]\boost\include\boost_[VERSION]\boost directory to the [PROJECTS_DIRECTORY]\boost\include directory $ cd [PROJECTS_DIRECTORY]/boost/include/boost_[VERSION]/ $ move boost ..\
Build the project
    Download fcfserver sources /download/fcfserver.
  • Unpack the archive with the sources to the projects folder [PROJECTS_DIRECTORY]
  • Open cmake-gui app. Set up and generate the project:
  • Build the generated project in Visual Studio